Worried that your skin looks older than you feel? Here are a few ways to reduce wrinkles – starting now!

Whether you’re 35 and just beginning to see the first signs of aging, or 55 with skin that isn’t exactly keeping your birthday a secret, seeking ways to reduce wrinkles is probably on your agenda.

Many women as well as men believe that aging skin is inevitable, but with the information and technologies we have today, you really can look as young as you feel!

To help put you on the right path, here are some ways experts say you can make a difference. While some require a visit to an esthetician or dermatologist, many are things you can do on your own.

How to Reduce Wrinkles: What You Can Do

7. Eat more fish — particularly salmon. Not only is salmon (along with other cold-water fish) a great source of protein — one of the building blocks of great skin — it’s also an awesome source of an essential fatty acid known as omega-3. Essential fatty acids help nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, helping to reduce wrinkles.

8. Trade coffee for cocoa. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2006, researchers found cocoa containing high levels of two dietary flavanols (epicatchin and catechin) protected skin from sun damage, improved circulation to skin cells, affected hydration, and made the skin look and feel smoother.

For the next few days we will be revealing a total of 19 different was to reduce wrinkles. If you would like to read all 19 now, we have posted them all on our Facebook Page. To find them, go to our Facebook Page, Like the page (if you don’t already). Then if you look just under our logo on the left side of the page you will see “Notes“. Click on Notes, then on 19 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles.
